Home [Linear Algebra] 4.4 Orthonormal bases and Gram-Schmidt

[Linear Algebra] 4.4 Orthonormal bases and Gram-Schmidt


[1] The columns \(q_1,...,q_n\) are orthonormal if \(q_i^Tq_j = \begin{cases} 0\ \text{for}\ i \neq j \\\ 1 \text{for}\ i = j \end{cases}\)

[2] If \(Q\) is also square, then \(QQ^T=I\) and \(Q^T=Q^{-1}\). \(Q\) is an “orthogonal matrix”

[3] The least squares solution to \(Qx=b\) is \(\hat{x}=Q^Tb\). Projection of \(b\): \(p=QQ^Tb = Pb\)

[4] The Gram-Schmidt process takes independent \(a_i\) to orthonormal \(q_i\). Start with \(q_1 = \frac{a_1}{\lVert a_1 \rVert}\)

[5] \(q_i\) is \((a*i - projection p_i) / \lVert a_i - p_i \rVert\); projection \(p_i = (a_i^Tq_1)q_1 + \cdots + (a_i^Tq*{i-1})q\_{i-1}\)

[6] Each \(a_i\) will be combination of \(q_1\) to \(q_i\). Then \(A=QR\): orthogonal \(Q\) and triangular \(R\).


Orthogonality is good. When the dot products are zero so \(A^TA\) will be diagonal. It becomes so easy to find \(\hat{x}\) and \(p=A\hat{x}\).

Orthogonal vectors

The vectors \(q_1,...,q_n\) are orthogonal when their dot products \(q_i \cdot q_j\) are zero. More exactly, \(q_i^Tq_j=0\) whenever \(i \neq j\).


From orthogonal vectors, if we divide each vector by its length, we get orthogonal unit vectors. Their lengths are all \(1\). This basis is called orthonormal

The vectors \(q_1,...,q_n\) are orthonormal if

\[q_i^Tq_j = \begin{cases} 0\ \text{for}\ i \neq j \\\ 1 \text{for}\ i = j \end{cases}\]

A matrix with orthonormal columns is assigned the special letter \(Q\).

\(Q^TQ = I\)

The matrix \(Q\) with orthonormal columns satisfy \(Q^TQ=I\). Notice that \(Q\) doesn’t have to be square.

The reason \(Q^Q=I\) is that \(q_i^Tq_j = 0\) if \(i \neq j\) and \(q_i^Tq_j=1\) if \(i = j\).

Square \(Q\)

When \(Q\) happens to be square, then \(Q^TQ=I\) implies \(Q^T=Q^{-1}\): transpose = inverse. It also satifies \(QQ^T=I\).

In this square case, we call \(Q\) an orthogonal matrix.


[1] Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th edition

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