Home [DL] What is Machine Learning?

[DL] What is Machine Learning?

Learning Algorithms

A machine learning algorithm is able to learn from the data. Here, what does “learning” mean? Mitchell (1997) provided a simple definition:

A computer program is said to learn from experience \(E\) with respect to some class of tasks \(T\) and performance measure \(P\), if its performance at tasks in \(T\), as measured by \(P\), improves with experiences \(E\).

The Task, T

The process of learning itself is not a task. Learning is attaining the ability to perform the task. For example, if we want a build a model that classifies between dog and cat, classification is the task.

Machine learning tasks are usually described in terms of how the machine learning system process an example which is a collection of features. We typically represent an example in a vector form \(x \in \mathbb{R}^n\) where each entry \(x_i\) is another feature. For example, the features of an image are typically the pixel values.


For the classification task, our model is asked to provide which of \(k\) categories some input belongs to. In other words, the model is asked to produce a mapping function \(f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \{1,...,k\}\) so that when \(y=f(x)\), the model maps the input vector \(x\) to the scalar ouput \(y\).

Classification with missing inputs

Classification task becomes more challenging when some of the inputs are missing. In this scenario, instead of providing a single classification function, the learning algorithm must learn a set of functions. For example, with \(n\) input variables, we can now obtain all \(2^n\) different classification functions needed for each possible set of missing inputs.


A regression task is asked to predict a numerical value. The learning algorithm is learned for a function \(f: \mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\). This task is similar to classification except the output format. An example of regression task is to predict housing price given some features such as location, house size, etc.


For transcription task, the algorithm is asked to observe a relatively unstructured representation of some kind of data and transcribe into discrete textual form. For example, in optical character recognition, the program is given a photograph containing an image of text and is asked to return this text in the form of a sequence of characters.

Machine Translation

This task is translating a sequence of symbols in a language and translating into another language

Structured output

Structured output tasks involve cases where the output is a vector (or other data structure containing multiple values) with important relationships between the different elements. One example is mapping a natural language sentence into a tree that describes its grammatical structure.

The Performance Measure, P

We must have some sort of quantitative evaluation measurement of a learning algorith. There is not only one measure but might be different for tasks \(T\).

For classification tasks, one popular metric is accuracy which tells how many examples the model predicted correctly out of all examples. The equivalent measure is error rate which is the proportion of examples for which the model produces an incorrect output.

For most of the times, we mostly care about a model’s performance on unseen data since this determines how well it will work when deployed in the real world. Therefore, we separate dataset into non-overlapping train/test set so that we can train our model on the train set and test our model on the test set for which the model has never been trained for.

The Experience, E

Machine learning algorithms can be categorized as supervised or unsupervised by what kind of experience they’re allowed to have during the learning process.

In many cases, machine learning algorithms are allowed to experience an entire dataset which consists of many examples, also known as data points.

Linear Regression

The goal of linear regression is to take a vector \(x \in \mathbb{R}^n\) as input and predict the scalar value \(y \in \mathbb{R}\) as its output which is a linear function of the input. To formalize this, we can define \(\hat{y}\) as the value the model predicts and \(y\) is the ground-truth value.

\[\hat{y} = w^{\top}x\]

where \(w \in \mathbb{R}^n\) is a vector of parameters.

The parameters are values that control the behavior of the system. We can also think of \(w\) as a set of weights that determine how each feature affects the prediction.

For linear regression, the definition of our task \(T\) is to predict \(y\) from \(x\) by outputting \(\hat{y}=w^{\top}x\).

Now one popular performance measure \(P\) of linear regression is the Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the model on the test set. If \(\hat{y}\) gives the predictions of the models, then MSE is given by

\[MSE = \frac{1}{m} \sum_i (\hat{y} - y)\_i^2\]


\[MSE = \frac{1}{m} \lvert \lvert \hat{y} - y \rvert \rvert_2^2\]

Intuitively, we can see that the error becomes \(0\) when \(\hat{y}=y\). In other words, the error increases whenever the Euclidean distance between the predictions and the targets increases.

Now we have the task \(T\) and the performance measure \(P\). Then, we need to design an algorithm that will improve the weights \(w\) in a way that reduces MSE when the algorithm experiences a training set \((X, y)\).

Some of the ways of achieving this are gradient descent and normal equation.

  • Gradient Descent: see this post for details
  • Normal equation: This is a one-shot way of finding the optimal solution by just solving the equation:
\[\frac{1}{m} \nabla_w \lvert \lvert Xw-y \rvert \rvert = 0\] \[\nabla_w (Xw-y)^{\top}(Xw-y)=0\] \[\nabla_w ((Xw)^{\top}-y^{\top})(Xw-y)=0\] \[\nabla_w (Xw)^{\top}(Xw)-y^{\top}(Xw)-y(Xw)^{\top}+y^{\top}y=0\] \[\nabla_w w^{\top}X^{\top}Xw - y(Xw)^{\top}-y(Xw)^{\top}+y^{\top}y=0\] \[\nabla_w w^{\top}X^{\top}Xw -2y(Xw)^{\top} + y^{\top}y=0\] \[2X^{\top}Xw-2X^{\top}y=0\] \[X^{\top}Xw-X^{\top}y=0\] \[w = (X^{\top}X)^{-1}X^{\top}y\]

Also, it’s common to include an intercept term \(b\) also known as bias so that the model now becomes


So, the mapping from parameters to predictions is still linear but the mapping from features to predictions is now an affine function.

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